With New Hampshire's only children's hospital, we offer our community's children advanced pediatric services and compassionate, complete care, close to home.

locations throughout New Hampshire, serving 95,000 children each year
providers in 30 specialties
million in free and uncompensated care to children every year
Meeting the needs of our children
Dartmouth Health Children’s will never turn away a family because of an inability to pay, no matter the complex or cost of the treatment. While we pride ourselves on turning no family away, financially, we can use all the support we can get.
Your gift is crucial in these greatest areas of need:
- Intensive Care Nursery (ICN)
Treating critically ill newborns from throughout the region with expert care not available elsewhere in New Hampshire
- Caring for the Whole Child
Addressing the social and emotional needs of sick or injured children and their families through support services and special programs, and advocating for the health of children and families in communities, schools, and at the state level
- Behavioral and Mental Health
Connecting children and teens with psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other urgently needed mental health supports
- Serving Southern New Hampshire
Bringing advanced care closer to home for the 280,000 children of southern New Hampshire
Would you like to speak with us about giving to Dartmouth Health Children's?
Contact Polly Antol at Polly.Antol@hitchcock.org or 603-646-5136.
It’s no exaggeration to say that CHaD would not exist as the only children’s hospital in New Hampshire without the support of our community and generosity of our donors.”

Get involved
Are you interested in more ways to help the kids and families of Dartmouth Health Children's? You can get involved. Dartmouth Health Children's offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities and fundraising events.