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Supporting Our Students: Alumni-Donors Answer the Call

For medical students, the challenges and opportunities of their chosen career path are greater than ever. Yet Geisel School of Medicine students—and the faculty, staff, alumni, and donors who support them—are as committed and passionate as ever.

Medical students

When the pandemic disrupted nearly every aspect of life, including in-person medical education and training, Geisel students didn’t hesitate to ask themselves “how can I help?” The examples are many. They set up networks to help health care workers in multiple regions find childcare. They secured and distributed personal protective equipment. They worked with rural health clinics to provide access to food for people in need. And they helped conduct a regional population health survey to guide COVID-19 responses. 

Then, when police killings of unarmed Black people spurred protests nationwide, Geisel students advocated for renewed commitments and actions within their own medical school. Because of the tireless work of these students and the support of faculty, staff, and senior administrators, Geisel is now launching several new initiatives to eliminate all forms of racism, to better support underrepresented minority students, and to create a truly equitable and inclusive academic community. The philanthropic support of alumni and donors will be critical to propelling these efforts—and to achieving Geisel’s larger vision to Educate Complete Physicians. Gifts of all sizes can advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. (See contact information below.)

Educating the Complete Physicians Our World Needs

Educate Complete Physicians is one of four unifying themes within Geisel’s $200-million fundraising campaign, which is part of Dartmouth College’s The Call to Lead campaign. With the support of generous donors, Geisel will prepare the “complete physicians” that our world needs—physicians who provide medically excellent, highly compassionate, and culturally sensitive care, and who work to improve health systems. Through its curriculum, thought leadership, and student programming and supportive services, Geisel will set the standard nationally for medical education and for creating a healthy, equitable learning environment.  

Thanks to the generosity of Geisel and Dartmouth College alumni, fundraising goals for the Educate Complete Physicians priority are within reach. 

Geisel seeks to increase scholarship support for its students, to set the standard nationally for educating complete physicians, and to create a healthy, equitable learning environment. Gifts from visionary donors are helping achieve those goals."

Learn more about Geisel’s other campaign goals: Strengthen Healthcare Systems, Innovate to Overcome Cancer, and Build the Foundation for Children’s Health. Visit


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Giving in Action
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Jennifer Durgin & Lauren Seidman

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